Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tech Era

It used to be that in order to normally communicate with somebody, one needs to be face to face with another. It was actually good that way! When you're afar, you shout. When you're very near and the conversation is confidential, you whisper. Body language, tone of voice, the volume, facial expression, even the body smell adds spice to the conversation. Those were the days.

For really distance communication, there was the telegram, the good old snail (postal) mail, and the long distance phone calls. Some of them will be remembered by the prohibitive prices, the party-lines, and the amount of time they actually arrive to their destinations. But hey, we survived them too!

The advent of new technology, from the normal line telephones to the cellular phones and the internet, changed all of that. The convenience and speed plus the "coolness" of the technologies and even the outside "beauty" or design of gadgets today, make them a joy to behold and make use of. They are a welcome change.

As with all things new, the good comes with the bad. Extra expenses, extra time spent from learning to using to absolute meaningless staring and waiting for calls and messages and stuff, boggles the mind of many. However, if you don't adapt, you get left behind! If you're old enough, you won't care. But if you're of the younger generation, not having the new tech today is just unfathomable! For example, how can a high school student live without his/her cell phone? That's unimaginable! Some of these kids even go hungry in exchange for continuous link to friends and everything else that can be connected with.

So, I too am embracing this change. What experience I have with my gadgets, the ones I'd like to have, and others that others have I will try to write about. It will be nice to record them here and in a few years go back and see my thoughts again.

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