Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sony Experia Z Tablet - Impressive!

I spent some time using the new Sony Experia Z 10.1 tablet and I was impressed!  The responsiveness is so good, the screen’s resolution is excellent, the weight is incredibly light, the size was not to my liking (I now prefer the 8-inch screen size), but everything else was good. It is one truly likable device.

I believe that tablets are getting so ordinary that it’s so hard to distinguish one from another. Sony though has added the thinness factor and a unique claim to being water and dust resistant!

Everything else looks the same for those who are familiar with Android.

I installed my favorite ebook reader and read my favorite magazines, and found the Experia Z to be good as well. It helps that the resolution is so high the text and photo details are incredibly clear! I’m sure it’s going to be a very good e-reader because you’re not going to be too tired holding it for long periods of time, as mentioned, it is light.

I’m going to pass on this item though and wait and see whether Sony is going to release one with an 8-inch screen. If not, I may get a Samsung Note 8.

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