Friday, May 24, 2013

How To Copy Installation Files from CD/DVD to Flash Disk

Why do we need this from time to time? My immediate need was when installing applications/programs into netbooks or ultrabooks that don't have the CD/DVD drive!

The problem when copying installation files from CD/DVD to a different destination (hard disk or flash disk for backup, or for use for installation) is that not all files are copied since there are system files and hidden files that cannot be seen from an ordinary Windows Explorer window. So, the trick I use is to use the command XCOPY in a Windows command line window. Below are the steps:

1. Go to the command line window by running "cmd".

2. Make sure where the files you want to copy are (this is your source or input). Is your CD/DVD drive using the letter "E:" or something else? Note it down, for example "E".

3. Make sure where you want to copy the files into (this is your destination or output). Note it down also, for example "F:" in a subdirectory you created named "Dest". This is not case sensitive, it doesn't matter whether you use capital letters or small.

4. When both input (CD/DVD) and output (Flash Disk) are ready, type the following command in the "cmd" line (as shown in the photo) and press "Enter".

If everything was done correctly, the files from your CD/DVD will be copied to your Flash Disk.

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