Monday, May 20, 2013

Online Banking Problem

Spoiled by the speed and convenience of online banking, disappointment is magnified a hundred times or more when problems come! This is true to me having been used to transferring money online thru and all of a sudden not being able to do so.

There was an email notice for all users that online services will be down; which is normal. But when everything else is working except for you, you can only scratch your head in disappointment because there's really nothing you can do! Yes, you need to transfer money to repay a debt or for your loved ones to pay for their needs, but all browsers return a message that " is not found, try reloading", what's next for you?

Try accessing the website thru mobile phone, a different computer, etc. Same result.

Try calling back home to the Philippines and ask a family member to try accessing the website. It works!

What's the problem then? I'm stumped. Maybe a trip to my Metrobank branch and transferring all my deposits to another bank will help.

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